Friday, March 2, 2012

Top 10 Entrepreneurs of 2011

Entrepreneurs are everywhere!  The slumping economy that began about 7 years ago has caused many people to become innovative.  If you can't get a job... create your own... right?

However, one thing to notice is the vast difference between committed entrepreneurs, and those that are entrepreneurs simply to do something until they get hired for another company.  True entrepreneurs could never work for another company.  It's a rush that can't be matched by clocking in and out everyday while wondering if it's the right time to ask for a raise.  I'm glad I avoid the feeling of not being able to work more because your boss refuses to pay overtime, or wanting to take a day off and can't because... well, they're paying you to be there.

The list below rates our 2011's top ten entrepreneurs.  These people are thinkers... innovators... and flat out - people that just make it happen.

10.  Pierre Omidya, Founder and Chairman of eBay Inc. - estimated to be worth about $5.2bn.  At just 28 years old, Pierre found eBay.  It didn't take long for his company to go public, 1998... and the growth continued to explode.  With his wife, Pierre co-found the Omidyar Foundation.  This organization was formed to support nonprofits that eventually grew into the Omidyar network a micro financing Facility. 

9.  Warren Buffet - American investor, industrialist and philanthropist.  He's considered one of the most accomplished investors to date.  Born in 1930, Warren has always understood money and how to make it.  At only 11 years of age, Warren bought his first shares.  While still a student, he invested into one of his father's businesses and by the time he graduated college, he made today's equivalent of over $85,000 in savings.  Warren passed Bill Gates for the throne of the world's richest man in 2008 with an estimated worth of $62 billion, according to Forbes magazine.

8.  Richard Branson, British businessman, entrepreneur and CEO of the Virgin Group of over 400 companies in recent years.  As a child, Branson suffered from dyslexia and is reported to have struggled in school before discovering his ability to connect with and influence people.  He formed Virgin Atlantic Airways in 1984 and also launched Virgin Mobile in 1999.  Later, in 2000, he found Virgin Blue - in Australia.  His net worth was just over £3 billion in 2009, according to Sunday Times Rich List. 

7.  Donald Trump, American businessman, socialite, author and TV celebrity.  Trump is famous for many different success stories, including the formation of his company, The Trump Organization - a US-based real-estate developer.  Although Trump has been accused of "cheating" because of his "head start" - his father was also a successful real estate developer, those that really understand his past know that his aggressive style and entrepreneur spirit lives within him.  Although he had a "head start", he has failed many times and taken a ride of losses and gains over the last few decades.  He has always bounced back.  Now, he is most known for his catch phrase "You're Fired" through his popular TV series, The Apprentice.

6.  Mark Zuckerberg, founder of Facebook.  Zuckerberg is said to be worth an estimated $4.0bn - not too shabby for 25 years old.  He is clearly the youngest billionaire in this list, but that's the power of the internet.  Zuckerberg launched his famous social networking website, - the most visited website in 2011 (passing consecutive reigning champion,  He started the company in 2004 and it has becoming the webs fastest growing social networking site.  How good is his story?  Well... they made a movie about it - The Social Network.

5.  Bill Gates, American business magnate, investor, philanthropist and author.  Gates is the former CEO and current chairman of Microsoft, the software company he started with Paul Allen.  Gates is typically thought of as the World's richest man and has become a household name because of this.  A Harvard dropout, Gates has proven that it's the idea, passion and constant chase for increased knowledge on your product that's most important when building something that can change the world.  Gates is estimated to earn around $250 per second, or $20,000,000 per day - whichever stat you like best.  If he dropped a $1,000 bill, he may as well leave it on the floor.  In the same time it takes to bend down and pick it up, he would have made it back anyway.

4.  Jeffrey Bezos, found of Amazon - estimated worth of $12.3bn.  Jeffrey is known to be very detailed and persistent on knowing everything and anything that has to do with his business, from the contract details to each Amazon press release that features his quotes.

3.  Steve Jobs, American business magnate and inventor - known for being the co-founder and CEO of Apple computers.  After being fired from Apple, Jobs proved that his entrepreneurial spirit has no limits, as he went on to become the CEO of Pixar Animation Studios.  He is reported to have been an "egomaniac", rude, manipulative and a hell of a salesman - and one amazing entrepreneur.  Jobs is considered as one of the most successful entrepreneurs of our time and in 2009, he was ranked #57 on Forbes list of The World's Most Powerful People.

2.  Sergey Brin - Co-Founder of Google, worth more than $17.5bn.  Google is continuously improving, expanding and dominating popular services and online products and affiliate programs.  More than 99% of the income generated by Google is said to be from their AdWords program.

1.  Lawrence Page - Co-Founder of Google, worth more than $17.5bn, 37 years old.  I know, I know... Google has pretty much dominated the top 2 positions in this list... but with much reason.  Lawrence struggled to hit it off as friends with Sergey Brin at first.  I guess it all becomes water under the bridge when you build something as powerful as Google together.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. In less than 5 years...Lawrence and Sergey will have to share the number 2 position! I am sure they won't mind considering what I will accomplish could more than double profits made in today's economy! Brett,LLC March 9th 2012. We serve a BIG THINK BIG!
